Module 2: The structure of the United Nations


In this module you will learn about the structure of the United Nations and how all the different parts of the UN fit together.


This knowledge will be useful as you gain a deeper understanding of the various UN bodies and actors, and enable you to evaluate and critique the UN.


You will also get an understanding of the role of states, staff and non-state actors of the UN.


After completing of this module you will be able to:

  1. explain the structure of the United Nations and how all the different parts work together;
  2. discuss roles and responsibilities of some of the UN’s key bodies and partners and the challenges that the inherent structure represents today;
  3. explain and critique the way the UN is financed and the challenges it faces;
  4. distinguish between the three UNs and explain the UN’s role as an ‘idea monger’.

Key Questions

Key questions for you to consider while you work through this module:

  • How does the structure and operation of the UN support or hinder the achievement of its main goals set out in the UN Charter? 
  • Who is behind the three UNs and why is this distinction important when looking at the failures and successes of the UN?
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