Schools Strike 4 Climate Action NZ

Schools Strike 4 Climate Action NZ

Last year, a 15-year-old Swedish girl called Greta Thunberg did a small thing that inspired a big movement.

Greta ThunbergShe made the choice to strike from school and spend her days instead protesting climate change outside the Swedish Parliament. Her reasons for doing it have resonated with hundreds of thousands of children and young people across the world.

“Some say I should be in school. But why should any young person be made to study for a future when no one is doing enough to save that future? What is the point of learning facts when the most important facts given by the finest scientists are ignored by our politicians?”

– Greta Thunberg

Now, this global movement has arrived in New Zealand. On March 15, we will be joining a global youth climate strike that will span dozens of countries around the world, from Africa to Europe, from Australia to North and South America.

Will you support us? Here’s a link to our events…

The events will feature youth speakers, activities, and chanting. It will be a safe and completely inclusive space, with heaps of volunteer officials for support. We invite all kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary students to join us – this movement concerns all of our futures.

We also invite all parents, teachers, whanau and members of the community to stand with us on the day – we need your support and intergenerational solidarity. If you’re a teacher, consider taking your class to a local action as a “class trip”.

We are doing this because we have the right to inherit a liveable planet from our parents and grandparents. For over 50 years, politicians and businesses have known that climate change poses an existential threat to life on Earth. 

They’ve known that we can’t afford to keep burning fossil fuels, or depleting our oceans, rivers, forests, and land. In this knowledge, they have continued to do it anyway, and played political ping-pong with our future.

We are the ones who will inherit the consequences of this inaction, and we are scared. What will we do if the ecosystems we depend on collapse? Where will all the people who lose their homes go?

We have a vision for a safe climate future. One with plentiful native forests, clean rivers, and thriving ecosystems that allow life to flourish. We refuse to give up on that future, not only for ourselves, but for all future generations.

We’re going on strike from school on March 15 to protect this future, and send a strong, united message to the New Zealand Government that the youth of Aotearoa New Zealand demand urgent action.

We, the youth have started to rise, and we will not stop until we see climate justice.

This was written by Raven Maeder.

Take Your Seat on Climate Change

Take Your Seat on Climate Change

As part of the build up for the United Nation’s critical COP24 Climate Change Conference in Poland on December 3rd, Sir David Attenborough is the voice of a new “People’s Seat” which will be present at the conference.

Take Your Seat

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The UN is inviting people from all over the world to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences with climate change by using the hashtag #TakeYourSeat. These messages will help to shape the People’s Address, which will be delivered by Attenborough to the conference on the day.

What can your school do that day to increase awareness?

Pacific Re-set – West Papua’s Self Determination

Pacific Re-set – West Papua’s Self Determination

Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has called for a “Re-set” to help our Pacific family to be independent and self sufficient (29 June 2017).

This forum will consider the repercussions of this call for Indonesian controlled West Papua.

Canterbury Secondary School teachers & senior students are invited to attend. Each school will be invited
to ask one prepared question to the Panel.

Chair: Dr Jeremy Moses, Senior lecturer in international relations at the University of Canterbury.


  1. Poto Williams, MP for Christchurch East, of Pacific heritage and Parliamentary Advocate
    for the Independent free vote for indigenous West Papuans.
  2. Raf Manji, A Christchurch City Councillor, who studied the legal case for West Papuan
    Self-Determination as part of his Masters in International Law and Politics.
  3. Celeste Donovan A member of West Papua Action Canterbury who wrote her MA thesis on
    NZ’s training of Indonesians for community policing in West Papua

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