Learn About the UN – UNA NZ Core Course

We have developed a course aimed at secondary school students and first-year university students.

It provides an introductory overview of the structure and operations of the United Nations.

It aims to develop awareness and understanding of the UN system and the global issues it tackles, and the often complex environments it operates in.

In addition, it will challenge students to think critically about the issues the UN tackles and the effectiveness of the UN system.

New UN Chief starts office on 1 January 2017

The new United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres took office on 1 January 2017.
Mr Guterres says Human dignity will be “the core of my work”.

Schools Strike 4 Climate Action NZ

Schools Strike 4 Climate Action NZ

Last year, a 15-year-old Swedish girl called Greta Thunberg did a small thing that inspired a big movement. She made the choice to strike from school and spend her days instead protesting climate change outside the Swedish Parliament. Her reasons for doing...

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